Ashley Monroe

Ashley Monroe (born in America) is a country and pop music singer. Her debut singles came out in 2007 and a full album entitled Satisfied. In 2013, she launched her second album entitled Like a Rose. Ashley Monroe performing Blake SheltonIn 2016, she produced The Blade which was another well-received album. Ashley Monroe holds a position as assistant village manager in Riverside Illinois. She has more than 15 years' experience in the public sector, that includes five years of stints within Iowa City. The current duties of the Assistant Village Manager are to oversee the operation of the Community Development and Building Department managing grants, as well as completing specific tasks. Ashley assists in the everyday running of Riverside's services, as well as in the implementation of the elected officials' and community visions. Ashley's responsibilities include planning for municipal services, budgeting and management of personnel as well as collective bargaining. Ashley also focuses on climate initiatives. Ashley's involvement with national organizations and working in communities with diverse populations have given her an understanding of how groups that are of any size function. Ashley's training focuses on contemporary methods of leadership and management within the public sector, from the perspective of a seasoned professional. Ashley's emphasis on adjusting to the current issues and opportunities as well as navigating intergovernmental and community relationships and taking ethical choices provides context for both aspiring professional and current employees within public organizations.

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